Corporate News

KSIG Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Assistance with the The National Cyber and Encryption Agency(BSSN)

Cilegon, 2024-07-16

Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur and Group held a Cyber Incident Response Team (CSIRT) formation assistance on July 16, 2024 at Wisma Krakatau with the support of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

In running the company's business and maintaining customer trust, KSI Group is committed to improving cybersecurity to protect the company's data and electronic systems from various threats. We hope that the initiation of this team formation can manage cybersecurity incidents more effectively and efficiently.

The event was attended by the Director of Industrial Cybersecurity, Mr. Cahyono Adhifatra; Chairman of the Industrial Sector CSIRT Establishment Team, Mr. Tri Wahyudi and Team; as well as Directors of PT Krakatau Information Technology, Mr. Bambang Wahyu Agung and Mr. Erwan Susanto, Risk Management & Compliance Manager of PT KSI, Mr. Aries Pratama, Mrs. Weni Purwaningrum Manager of BE & ICT, and IT management officials within the KSI Group companies.

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