Berita & Acara

Corporate News Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur Group Attends XXIV Rakernas HKI Optimizing the Role of Industrial Estates for Global Competitiveness

Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur Group attended the XXIV RAKERNAS of the Indonesian Industrial Estate Association (HKI)

2025-01-10 07:52:47
Corporate News Committed to Digital Transformation PT Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur Group Management Signs Information Technology Strategic Plan

On July 24, 2024, the Sign Off of the Information Technology Strategic Plan (RSTI) of PT Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur & Group was held at The Royale Krakatau Hotel.

2025-01-10 07:45:00
CSR PT KSI Participates in the Stunting Reduction Movement (GEMAS) Program by Providing Stunting Alleviation Assistance for 13 Children and 32 Trash Bins in Ciwaduk Village, Cilegon

PT KSI again contributes to the community by providing assistance through the Stunting Reduction Movement Program (GEMAS).

2025-01-10 07:34:43
Corporate News KSIG Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Assistance with the The National Cyber and Encryption Agency(BSSN)

Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur and Group held an assistance for the establishment of Cyber Incident Response Team (CSIRT)

2025-01-10 07:24:32
Announcement Prequalification Tender Announcement

Pre-qualification Tender Announcement, Land Development Work for Plot G4

2024-12-24 09:36:45
CSR Participating in the Stunting Parents' Movement Program, PT KSI Attends the Launching of a Healthy Kitchen to Overcome Stunting (Dashat) Kel. Kebondalem, Cilegon

PT KSI also participated in the Launching of the Healthy Kitchen to Overcome Stunting (Dashat) through the Father/Mother Fostering Stunting Children Program. This event took place on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 in Kebondalem Village, Cilegon.

2024-10-01 02:34:32
E - Buletin Krakatau Infrastruktur Insight - Edisi II - April - Juni 2024

Krakatau Infrastruktur Insight - Edisi II - April - Juni 2024

2024-10-01 01:57:32
E - Buletin Krakatau Infrastruktur Insight - Edisi Januari - Maret 2024

Krakatau Infrastruktur Insight Terbit Edisi Pertama! Dapatkan Informasi Terbaru Seputar Krakatau Sarana Infrastuktur Group.

2024-07-22 03:55:32
CSR Bersama Krakatau Steel Group, PT KSI Bagikan Hewan Kurban Iduladha 1445 H ke Lingkungan Kota Cilegon dan Kabupaten Serang

Bersama Krakatau Steel Group, PT KSI Bagikan Hewan Kurban Iduladha 1445 H ke Lingkungan Kota Cilegon dan Kabupaten Serang

2024-06-25 08:03:29
Corporate News Rangkul Stakeholder dengan Fun Run dan Simbolisasi CSR, PT KSI Peringati HUT ke-42 Tahun

Rangkul Stakeholder dengan Fun Run dan Simbolisasi CSR, PT KSI Peringati HUT ke-42 Tahun

2024-06-25 07:55:43
Corporate News Dokumentasi Fun Running HUT ke-42 PT KSI

Dokumentasi Fun Running HUT ke-42 PT KSI

2024-06-20 13:18:49
CSR Krakatau Steel Salurkan Zakat, Infaq, dan Sodaqoh Rp 1,2 M Didistribusikan ke 43 Kelurahan Kota Cilegon

Krakatau Steel Salurkan Zakat, Infaq, dan Sodaqoh Rp 1,2 M Didistribusikan ke 43 Kelurahan Kota Cilegon

2024-04-17 11:17:02

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